Planetary Correspondences

SUN Energy, healing, friendship, promotions, magickal power yellow,orange, gold Sunday Leo Fire
MOON Psychic workings, love magick, healing, dreams white, silver Monday Cancer Water
MERCURY Intelligence, travel, divination yellow Wednesday Gemini and Virgo Air
VENUS Love, healing, partnerships, money green, pink Friday Libra and Taurus Earth and Water
EARTH Earth magick, healing the Earth, honouring the Earth, grounding, stability, wealth. green, brown Friday N/A N/A
MARS Energy, physical strength, competitions, lust, sex red Tuesday Aries Fire
JUPITER Riches, luck, money, expansion, legal matters deep blue, purple, violet Thursday Sagittarius Air
SATURN Studying past lives, banishing sickness, banishing negativity and pests black, blue, brown Saturday Capricorn Earth
URANUS Illumination, wisdom, learning, faith, caution, self preservation, initiations. purple, blue, green Wednesday Aquarius Air
NEPTUNE The sea, courage, change, victory, mercy, liberation, psychic abilities, dreams, intuition, empathy, divination, conquering addictions. green Thursday Pisces Water
PLUTO Applying knowledge, overcoming evil, alleviating depression, revealing secrets, finding lost items, astral travel, the astral realms, regeneration, death and rebirth, sex, sensuality, conquering obsession. black, white, dark red. Tuesday Scorpio N/A
CHIRON Career, employment, chakra work, dream work, healing, learning, teaching, grounding, memory, children, large wild animals. orange N/A N/A N/A
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