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Ametrine is a mixture of amethyst and citrine. In addition to having all the properties of amethyst and citrine, it also brings harmony and balance to all areas of life. It facilitates the release of negative conditioning and helps you to see through deception. Ametrine enables access to higher planes of thought while preventing you from getting too carried away.

Amethyst is known as the "Spiritual Stone''. Attuned to the crown chakra it is effective in stimulating the intuition and spiritual awakening. It is an excellent aid to those wishing to develop psychically and provides protection to those who believe themselves to be under psychic attack. Placed under the pillow, it promotes intuitive dreams and inspiration. It also ensures that it's wearer does not oversleep. Amethyst is helpful in relieving insomnia and headaches and to have a calming and soothing effect in times of grief. Amethyst is believed to protect against drunkenness and hangovers!/

Citrine is claimed to be of benefit to those suffering from poor circulation, diabetes and to help to control the emotions. Citrine facilitates logical thinking, intuition, communication and creativity - a useful stone to place on your desk. Citrine is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra

Size approx 20-30mm

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